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Care instructions for MuseARTa items
To ensure that your customers can enjoy MuseARTa products for as long as possible, we recommend washing them at a maximum of 40 degrees. However, they should not be bleached or ironed. Professional cleaning is possible with perchloroethylene.
You can find all further information here .
What criteria do we use to select works of art at MuseARTa?
We try to select works of art from all important art periods. Of course, we have to consider whether we can even acquire the rights to the corresponding works of art.
In addition, a work of art must also be realizable. We work with very high-quality machines that can knit up to 17 colors in a row, but if the number of colors exceeds this, then we sometimes have to say that a work of art cannot be realized as a knitted version.
What is the difference between printed and knitted socks?
Our socks are knitted and not printed. That is a crucial difference.
When printing, you can print the sock lying flat, i.e. front and back, but then you have the problem that you have a stripe on the sides where no color has been applied. These two stripes are then visible as vertical white stripes when the sock is put on.
Alternatively, you can put a sock on one leg and print it all the way around. This is significantly more expensive, and then the white stripes are omitted. However, with both options, the color intensity is massively lost during printing and you can see the material underneath. The motif is also very distorted with this technique.
You could stretch the sock slightly and then print on it, but that would have the disadvantage that the design would not look so nice in the shop because you have anticipated a certain amount of stretching, but the sock would look quite strange on the store shelf if it were unstretched.
How are our socks made?
We knit our socks on single-cylinder machines, usually with an extremely high needle count of 200 needles. That is the number of needles attached to the knitting cylinder.
The different colored threads run into this knitting cylinder. When a point comes where the machine wants to knit a white eye, the machine takes the white thread, knits one or two threads, lets go of the thread and takes the next thread. Another special feature of our machines is that we can process up to 17 colors in a horizontal row.
From the inside, such a sock would theoretically look like a sweater knitted using the jacquard technique. However, the sock would not be stretchy. A sweater does not need to be stretchy because it fits loosely, but with a sock you want it to fit and be tight. The problem with socks is that the foot is wider in the front area than in the lower leg area directly above the heel. This is where the leg is thinnest and this is where the sock has to fit. But the foot has to fit into the sock, so the sock has to be stretchy.
However, the sock can only be stretchy if the material it is made of is stretchy. That is why the base of these socks is always made of polyamide with a proportion of elastane. These socks cannot be made without this proportion.
Now, at MuseARTa, we would like to make socks with a very high cotton content, and cotton doesn't stretch. Anyone who has jeans without elastane will know this. Therefore, these non-elastic cotton threads on the inside of the sock have to be cut off during knitting so that they can move within the knitted fabric - that's what the material is called. The thread is cut off and this allows the sock to be stretched. But so that the thread doesn't slip out of the connection between the individual stitches when stretched, it has to be cut in such a way that it stays in the sock even when stretched and doesn't slip out on the outside. But that only works if it's a certain length.
These threads that run on the inside and are not visible until the machine knits them, and only become visible again when the machine needs exactly this thread in a special color, are called float threads. If a machine knits one color for a few stitches and then knits a different color over a very small number of stitches and then uses the first color to knit again, it may be that the length of the thread flowing on the inside is not long enough for the machine to attach an automatic knife to the inside of the cylinder and cut the thread. Depending on the type of machine, the machine needs between 10 and 12 stitches to be able to cut at all. If there are fewer stitches, the thread stays on the inside and continues to "flow".
If a motif has extremely frequent color changes and the float threads are always very short, the machine cannot even start to cut; in such a case the sock would not be stretchable and you would not be able to get your foot in.
We try to help ourselves with very complex motifs by turning the socks inside out and cutting by hand any threads that cannot be cut automatically by the machine. This works with a float length of around eight stitches, but not with too few stitches, because then the thread flies out the front and that would not look nice.
In short: it is a highly complex topic. We use strain measuring machines to check how elastic a sock is in which place and we really put a lot of effort into producing our socks.
By the way: with double cylinder machines you can let the threads run inside and not cut them off, but with this type of machine you cannot process as many colors as we do, nor do you have the option of producing socks in a size range of 36 to 40 or 40 to 46. Double cylinder socks can actually only be produced in double sizes. Double cylinder machines are absolutely unsuitable for this type of patterned socks.
The loose threads hanging inside are not evidence of inferior quality, as one often falsely reads on the Internet, but a necessity and contribute to the socks being more comfortable to wear.
Why do we produce at different locations?
We produce at different locations because no single location would provide us with what we need. For some motifs we need an extremely large number of colors in a row, and such machines run more slowly because the machine has to slow down with each color change and the cylinder can then rotate faster again. The more often the color changes and the more colors used, the lower the production volume of a machine. It can sometimes be just 2-3 pairs per hour that we can produce on one machine.
Other machines can produce fewer colors and are therefore more effective. It is only through a mix of calculations that we are able to offer these socks, which are extremely complex to produce, at this price, because we also pay licensing fees for the image usage rights.
It is also often a question of the availability of yarn. Having yarn in many colors in stock costs more money. Having yarn dyed to meet your needs is cheaper for the corresponding production volume, but it makes you less flexible and you have to be able to cope with the larger quantities.
It also depends on the motif where we put which design. Since a stitch is not square, different machines knit different numbers of rows for the same leg length. For us, this varies between 220 and 260 rows at the height of the leg.
If a motif is particularly high and very detailed, it makes sense to go to a manufacturer whose stitches are not quite as high and therefore more knitted rows fit on the shaft length we specify, so we can work with greater detail.